Mission 1, Case of the missing Puffles

Talk to Aunt Artic.

Go to the Ice Rink, turn to the ring and pick up the pictures on the ground.

Give the pictures to Aunt Artic.

Now, go to the Pet Shop.

Turn left.

Click on the note that’s stuck to the puffle house.

The message will be different each time you do the mission.

The note that always says “G has _ pairs of socks.” Figure out how many pairs he has for that mission, then go to the Sports Shop.

Talk to G. Ask him if he has any “Special items.” Tell him how many pairs of socks he has.

Make sure you take the life preserver shooter. Go to the Ice Berg and rescue all the penguins that got stranded on a piece of Ice. Save them watching the speed of the wind and shooting the life preservers at them.

Now, go to the ski mountain. Talk to the crying penguin. Open your spy phone click on the LED light. Click on the telescope to fix it.

Look through the telescope and go to the left. You will now see a green puffle flying around a mountain.

Go to the Sports Shop and get the grappling hook.

Go to the tallest mountain. Click at the top of the mountain.

You will find the 2 lost puffles.

Talk to Aunt Artic.

Get the medal and letter at the end of the mission. GOOD JOB :)

  1. May 13, 2011 at 12:40 PM

    how do you become a puffle please tell me

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